Azerbaijan, Baku, May 8 / Trend , A.Huseynbala /
Azerbaijan Parliament adopted amendments to the Criminal Code, Code of Administrative Violations and Criminal Procedural Code.
"Additions and amendments made to the codes are necessary in connection with additions and amendments to the Law on Freedom of Religion," said the chairman of the standing committee on legal policy and state establishment Ali Huseynov.
Huseynov said that the change to the article 167 of the Criminal Code relates to the coercion to religion. "If a person forces someone to take another religion (religious direction), to change relevant traditions, ceremonies, and force to take religious education, that person will be fined at 500-1000 manats or sentenced to two years of correctional work or two years imprisonment," said the chairman of the committee.
The chairman of the committee said that the additions to the Code of Administrative Violations envisages penalties for the construction or reconstruction of religious places without appropriate paper, the functioning of religious communities not in their registered legal address, activities contrary to the purposes of religious communities.
In the article the word of sanctions "10-15 manats" will be replaced to "100-300 manats, "40-70 manats" to "200-500 manats", said Huseynov.
It is expected to increase the amount of fines as a result of additions and changes to the Law on Freedom of Religion"
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