An article by Sanan Eminov, senior teacher of Chemical Engineering Faculty and Director of Training and Research Centre on Renewable Energy Engineering of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) is published in an American «PLoS ONE» journal. The article is dedicated to issues of derivation of biofuel from biomass and is printed under the title «The Highly Selective and Near-Quantitative Conversion of Glucose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Using Ionic Liquids».
It is a third scientific article by Sanan Eminov published in this academic journal, which is included in the Thomson Reuters’ list. Up to now, six conference papers written by Sanan Eminov are published in proceedings of six international conferences.
The «PLoS ONE» is listed by Thomson Reuters as a journal with high impact factor, which reached 3.54 in 2015. It is one of the most reputable scientific editions on chemistry in the world. It is an open access journal, and articles published in the «PLoS ONE» can be used and downloaded free of charge. The journal is one of the international editions with the largest number of published academic papers, with up to 85 articles per day, which makes more than 30,000 articles a year.
(The article can be accessed via the following link: