If there is a co-operation principle between the journalists and state officials, then no side will need to appeal to the court, the Chairman of the Supreme court of Azerbaijan Ramiz Rzayev briefed the media, Trend reports.
Presently there are no deep problems between the journalists and senior officials, and it needs to be a preference for the co-operation to resolve the existing problems. I hope that such problems will find its solution soon, Rzayev said.
According to him, the journalist's cases that are court are linked with the issue that some journalists prefer insulting, rather than critiquing.
There is no legal country without free press. But the press should have criteria and the journalists internal censorship. It is possible to criticize any officials, discover their shortfalls in various spheres, but it is unacceptable to insult them. At the end, the insulted person appeals to the court. In these cases, it is impossible to speak about the pressure on the press, he underlined.
Rzayev also touched upon the fact that the OSCE representatives doubtfully approached the resolutions of the Azerbaijani courts. No-one may doubtfully approach the court resolutions. All questions are settled within the law and those who are dissatisfied with the court resolution may appeal to higher court instance. The foreign delegates can not express attitude towards the resolutions of the Azerbaijani courts. They should hold investigation and make analysis, Rzayev emphasized.