Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Feb. 28 / Trend H.Hasanov /
Since 2011, Turkmenistan introduces a new procedure for the implementation of cotton grown by producers in excess of contractual obligations, and cotton products, obtained after the processing of crude, an official Turkmen source reported.
This issue was raised at a recent government meeting.
Beginning with this harvest season, renters can, through the exchange, "sell their own surplus of grown cotton left over after putting it to the state, according to the contract."
"Undoubtedly, the current prevailing prices stimulate our cotton farmers to grow high yields," Turkmen President Gurbangulu Berdimuham,edov said. He drew attention to the fact that "the present price of cotton on world markets has been steadily increasing. So, today the price per ton of cotton exceeded $5,000.
Berdimuhammedov demanded an adequate preparation for the upcoming planting season, taking into account soil and climatic conditions of each region.
In 2010, there was an increase in production of certain types of crop products - wheat was collected by 115.3 percent more than in 2009, raw cotton - by 133.1 percent. The country's farmers collected about 1.5 million tons of wheat and 1.3 million tons of raw cotton. Area under wheat was 860,000 hectares, while under cotton - 550,000 hectares.
During the report period, weather was favorable for cotton, a successful spring with little or no cost subculture, summer was good, with a high amount of positive temperatures.
The most common of them was domestic "Yoloten-7.
Long staple cotton is represented by four domestic brands, which were sown on more than 27,000 hectares in the south - Mary and Akhal provinces (regions).