Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct. 18 / Trend J. Nasibova /
The price of consumer goods and tariffs for services decreased by 0.6 percent in Azerbaijan in September 2012 compared to the previous month, while inflation was 1.5 percent in January-September compared to the same period of last year, the State Statistics Committee said today.
Food prices increased by 0.6 percent and tariffs for services by 0.2 percent, while non-food prices remained unchanged in September.
Food prices increased by 1.5 percent, non-food by 1.2 percent, and tariffs for services by 1.4 percent in the first nine months of this year compared to January-September 2011.
In September, the consumer pricebase index, calculated with the exclusion of state- regulated prices and seasonal goods and services increased by 0.3 percent compared to the previous month and by 1.9 percent over January-September last year.
During the month, prices declined on food products such as oils and fats (0.3 percent), fruits (2 percent), sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets (0.2 percent).
Prices increased on foods such as vegetables (7.2 percent), fish products (2.8 percent), grain products (0.4 percent), meat (0.4 percent), coffee, tea and cocoa (0.2 percent).