
“Our reliability index is high”

Business Materials 16 February 2017 12:06 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 16


Azer Turk Bank offers loans with favorable terms to corporate customers and salary card holders, the bank said in a message Feb. 16.

It is well known that issuance of wages through bank cards is one of the indicators of modern, developed organization. The projects offered by banks, independently small or large, are suitable for each institution.

“Organizations, only recently joined these processes are absolutely right in their desire to choose the best partner,” Leyla Mammadova, the director of Strategic Planning and Marketing department of Azer Turk Bank, said, while answering the question regarding the advantages Azer Turk Bank has, in comparison with other banks.

“Customers always prefer to work with a bank with good reputation,” she said. “Here may rise a question: how banks prove their safety to citizens? In such case bank’s shareholders are of great importance. Then, statements and other financial indicators are reviewed. As far as you know, Azer Turk Bank is 75 percent owned by the government of Azerbaijan. It offers corporate clients salary cards of MasterCard and VISA international payment systems.”

“The Bank, which completed last year with 7.4 million manats, increased its number of customers by 54 percent compared to the same period last year; and its turnover of card transactions – by 135 percent,” she noted. “All this is telling us that Azer Turk Bank has a high reliability coefficient.”

Talking about benefits of salary cards offered by Azer Turk Bank, Mammadova highlighted the fact that salary card holders of the bank are not charged any commission when withdrawing cash from ATMs on the territory of the Republic since Feb. 7, 2017.

“Subscribing to the Mobile banking electronic services, our customers may benefit from our products,” Mammadova noted. “Some of our branches operate Saturdays and Sundays as well.”

