
8 manufacturing enterprises to appear in Kazakhstan's Turkistan region

Business Materials 28 November 2018 17:55 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 28

By Rashid Shirinov – Trend:

The Turkistan Invest company has started work on the implementation of 19 new major projects worth 507 billion tenge in Turkistan region, Chairman of the Turkistan Social and Entrepreneurial Corporation Aytmuhammed Aldazharov told Kazakh media at a briefing.

He noted that the Turkistan SEC operates in the fields of construction, socially significant projects, tourism, attracting investors, digitization, etc.

Head of the Turkistan Invest company Alibek Nesipbekov, in turn, said that good conditions for investment are created in the region.

"Of the 19 projects, 6 are related to the production of alternative electrical energy, 5 – to agriculture, and 8 are related to the manufacturing industry. This year, construction of 4 enterprises began," he said.

Nesipbekov also noted that it is planned to open 14,000 new jobs within the implementation of all the projects.

In addition, during the briefing it was noted that the InvestInTurkistan.org portal was launched in order to provide information support to potential investors.

(372.83 KZT = 1 USD on Nov. 28)


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