TEHRAN, Iran, June 13
Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has ordered the acting minister of Industry, Mine and Trade to ensure strict supervision and control over the prices in home appliance market.
During the recent meeting with Hossein Modares Khyaban, who delivered report on home appliance production in the country and market status, the head of state has insisted on the control over the price management of home appliances, Trend reports citing IRNA.
"Home appliances production capacities should be improved, while the obstacles that limit domestic production and lead to increase of prices should be removed," said Rouhani adding that the demand for these products has increased after reopening of businesses.
"It's important that people should not face difficulty in purchasing home appliances products since the production has increased and the products are of good quality, so all responsible organizations should cooperate to resolve the problems," he added.
Following the US sanctions, import of home appliances to Iran has been limited.