According to the information received by the Central Department for Struggle against Contraband and Violation of Customs Regulations of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, in a result of joint operations conducted by officers of the State Committee and Taxes Ministry of the Country in Barda region, a shop was revealed that was illegally engaged in production of alcohol drinks. It was owned and operated by Mr. T. Hassanov.
During the spot check, illegal homecraft vodka brands Khlebnaya Doroga, Kobra, Spartak, mineral water brand Gakh, such well-known drink brands as Fanta, Cola, Champaign XXI Asr, as well as different facilities and plants considered for production of those drinks, labels, excises, etc was found.
Moreover, during the checks in the frontier customs point in the Settlement of H. Z. Taghiyev, officers of the State Committee detained a lorry. During examining the lorry, 40.000 boxes of known tobacco brands Java (light), Java (full flavour), Zolotaya Java, Kent, etc. were found without any documents and excises on their import.
During the spot checks conducted by the State Committee, facts on illegal importation of mercury in 2 plastic bottles from Turkey to Azerbaijan were revealed. In frontier custom point Samur, veterinary medications, shampoos, hygienic medications, and seeds for home animals were found from a Ukrainian citizen.
Astara custom officers detained an Iranian citizen attempting to import 1590 boxes of Swiss cigarettes and 1880 boxes of cigarettes made in Korea to the country without necessary excises.
Investigations on the above-mentioned facts have been initiated and are being held now.