BAKU, Azerbaijan, Sept. 29
On the instruction of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 26 to ensure the development of maneuverable generation, the Ministry of Energy is working on the introduction of new regulating electric capacities, Trend reports via the Ministry.
The Ministry of Energy has developed and approved a plan for the placement of generating units with a zone determining maneuverable generation mode, the type of equipment, and the required volumes of maneuverable capacities in the zone of the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In order to conduct auctions for the construction of generating units with maneuverable generation mode, according to the Rules for Organizing and Conducting auctions for the Construction of newly commissioned generating units with maneuverable generation mode, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 30, 2021, the order of the Ministry of Energy dated June 25, 2021, approved the Schedule of auctions for the construction of newly commissioned generating units with maneuverable generation mode for 2021.
Thus, according to the results of the development of a preliminary feasibility study in the Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan and updating the Schedule according to paragraph 5 of the Rules, it is planned to hold auctions for the following zones of the Unified Electric Power System of the Republic of Kazakhstan in December 2021:
According to subparagraph 1) paragraph 4 of the Rules
- December 27, 2021 – construction of a combined-cycle gas plant with the output of thermal energy with an installed electric capacity of 240 MW in the Southern zone (Kyzylorda region);
According to subparagraph 2) paragraph 4 of the Rules
- December 29, 2021 – construction of a gas plant and (or) a generating plant using hydrodynamic water energy with a total installed electric capacity of 550 MW in the Northern and Southern zones;
According to subparagraph 3) paragraph 4 of the Rules
- December 28, 2021 – construction of non-fossil fuel generating plants with a total installed electric capacity of 350 MW in the Northern and Southern zones.