
007 Phone, for Your Spy Needs

ICT Materials 16 May 2007 12:01 (UTC +04:00)
007 Phone, for Your Spy Needs

( Mobilemag ) - A spy needs to be able to move quickly, lithely, and secretively. You can have the greatest gadget in the world, but if you have to lug it around with you and worry about how heavy it is, then you might think twice before taking it with you on those dangerous missions. I wonder, then, about the spy propensity of the 007 Phone, with its big keypad and bigger antenna.

But then, that's not what this is about, in any case. This phone is a perfect example of brand marketing, and you would certainly look exciting if you were carrying one of these phones with you while you're hanging out with friends and family, all of whom would no doubt appreciate the snazzy designs and the music player and the 2-megapixel camera.

The one new-age feature that you will appreciate is the touchscreen, which, coupled with the keypad, should give you multiple ways to communicate with your phone.

