
Chabahar Free Zone official talks role of foreign investment in dev't of port

Transport Materials 26 August 2021 09:11 (UTC +04:00)

TEHRAN, Iran, Aug.26


Foreign investors were active development of Chabahar port, the CEO of Chabahar Free Zone told Trend in an interview.

Indians were active in the operation of the first phase of Shahid Beheshti port and nothing has changed in their activity within the port, said Abdolrahim Kordi.

A new project has not been defined for India's investment at this time and Iran's relation with India has not changed.

In the past two years due to pressures of international sanctions, investments, and past agreements especially contracts that were signed by foreign investors in the development of steel and petrochemical fields and other plans that were targets of foreign investors were stopped.

"It was expected that a steel complex will be constructed by India, but due to sanctions against Iran, the project slowed down. In the meantime, we had this opportunity to complete our studies about Chabahar and review environmental issues and provide a comprehensive plan and locate a location for heavy and medium industries," he indicated.

"We prepared ourselves for more regional development in the fields of transportation and logistics and targeted installation of industries in regional markets on our agenda. There are currently $714 million invested in Chabahar port," he said referring to the development and completion of regional infrastructures.

The official mentioned that the port's industrial activities continue.

"We expect to see more foreign investors by building infrastructures especially in the railway sector," Kordi noted.

He went on to stress that currently, investors from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asian countries like Uzbekistan are present in small and medium-sized industries.

Afghanistan is active in providing its own needs, especially in the field of minerals, food, and commercial items.

Pakistan is following downstream petrochemical products and rice processing in the port.

Uzbekistan is following two or three plans in transportation and logistics that have led to an agreement for building a wharf, which is the biggest work that happened in Central Asia.

The official indicated that China has been more active in regional trade than before and had an investment in mineral material in the region that operated. Another important project of China was the construction of an airport to strengthen air transportation in Chabahar, and the next project is the development of petrochemicals.

Kordi has also noted the plan for India's participation in the construction of the Zahedan railway in Chabahar that eventually led to India being left out of it.

India was expected to invest in the International North-South Transportation Corridor that would connect, Nhava Sheva port to Chabahar and Anzali ports. While Russia is following the development of this corridor as well.

