The following is a numbered list of news on latest economic developments in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as of 12:00 GMT, Feb. 6, on IRINN TV.
1. 12:02 GMT – Iranian government has devised 12 investment plans for creating further job opportunities over the next fiscal year (starting March 20).
2. 12:05 GMT – Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh has criticized high volume of fuel consumption in the country.
3. 12:06 GMT – Bank Maskan Iran has decreased the interest rate on banking loans for repairing aged housing units.
4. 12:08 GMT – Iranian banks have launched future sales of gold coins.
5. 12:10 GMT – Report on the rate of foreign currencies in the Iranian market. Euro was traded at 58,596 rials in the free market. Official rate of the USD was 36,950 rials and it was traded at 46,165 rials in the free market.
6. 12:10 GMT – Report on the prices of gold in the Iranian market. Gold coin was traded at 15,238,000 rials (about $330 according to the currency rate in the free market). One gram of the 18-karat gold was priced at 1,484,000 rials (about $32.1).
7. 12:11 GMT – Main index of the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) reached 97,927 points.
8. 12:11 GMT – Report on the prices of Iranian-made cars.
9. 12:12 GMT – Report on the decline of stocks in the US.
Source: State-owned news channel IRINN, Tehran, in Persian
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