
Weekly economic review

Analysis Materials 28 August 2007 12:02 (UTC +04:00)

On 20 August the Azerbaijani Ministry of Industry and Energy hosted a presentation of a project on the construction of a wind power station in Azerbaijan. The station will be built by the Korean company STX. The station will be built in Gobustan District of Azerbaijan, some 39km from Baku. I is a wise decision - Baku is the city of wind.

Underte project, the future wind station will cover 5-7% of the region demand in electricity and 10% thermo-power. Obviously, it too little for the country, but are very good indices for one wind power station. For instance, there are 5,200 wind stations in Denmark and supply 20% of the country's demand in electricity. By 2025 the figure will be increased to 50-75%.

The construction will take 18 months to complete. The budget for the project is $40mln. STX will provide some 20% finance for the project; the remaining 80% will be borrowed from a commercial bank.

The second stage plans to expand the capacity of the station to 60MW.

The operational term of the station is 22 years and it is expected to bring $122mln in profits. The first stage of the project envisages the construction of a 20MW power station containing ten rigs each with a capacity of 2MW.

Over the first 6 years annual incomes from the station will comprise $6.104mln. However, the Korean company offers setting tarrifs for elctricty produced at the wind station in the amount of 8 cents per 1kW an hour, whereas currently tariffs for population comprise AZN 0.06, or 7 cents.

For the efficiency of the constrction the Korean company tries to achieve free use of the territory of the station within 20 years, release of equipment imported for construction from customs duties.

As of initial data, over five years it is planned to build in Azerbaijan up to 100 alternatve energy sources. Presently, the share of alternative energy sources does not reach even one 1%, which falls on share of small hudro-power stations. However, the process has got green light and perhaps, in future Azerbaijan's dependence on oil, gas and cool will decrease.

For instance, Denmark alosng with the wind energy, actively uses other recoverable sources, including bio-mass, which is rubbish and waste of agriculture. As a result, the country which does not have any nuclear power stataion, indepdently covers its demand in electricity and supports the ecological stability.

