Uzbekistan, Rothschild & Co. discuss privatization process of nation's financial entity
Uzbekistan's Uzpromstroybank places international bonds on London Stock Exchange
Fitch assents to Uzbekistani Uzpromstroybank's rating
ADB to diversify financing for Uzbekistan’s MSMEs via loan agreement
Uzbek Uzpromstroybank establishes co-op with Hungarian banks
Uzpromstroybank opens modern training and IT center
EBRD financing expansion of pharmaceutical production in Uzbekistan
Hungarian OTP Bank to buy state shares of Ipoteka Bank in Uzbekistan
IFC allocates loan to Uzbek bank to drive 'green growth', expand SME lending
European Investment Bank provides credit line to Uzbek businesses
Uzbekistan allocates funds for dev’t of industrial infrastructure in selected regions
Uzbek industrial, construction bank eyes opening credit line for new projects
EBRD provides funds in local currency to support SMEs in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan reveals banks with largest number of remotely served customers
Uzbekistan, Spain consider attracting funds for construction of greenhouse complexes
Uzbek commercial banks present investment projects for 2021
Uzbekistan’s Uzpromstroybank reveals plans for strategic dev’t in 2021
Investment projects to be implemented in Uzbekistan in 2021 revealed
Liquid assets of Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank increase
Uzpromstroybank, EBRD in talks over supporting SMEs in Uzbekistan
Assets of Uzbek commercial banks increase over 10M2020
Uzbekistan’s Khorezm region eye increasing output of import-substituting products
Uzbekistan’s National Bank enters Eurobond market
Currency sales rate for September 7-11 revealed