#second-tier banks
Loan portfolio of second-tier banks in Kazakhstan grows - NBK
Kazakhstan talks volume of savings deposits in national currency
Deposits values increase in Kazakh banks
Kazakh second-tier banks continue pledged lending for agricultural investment projects
Kazakhstan sees increase in lending volumes
Kazakhstan records growth in second-tier banks' assets for 2020
Kazakhstan sees decrease in foreign currency-denominated loans volume
Lending to economy shrinks in Kazakhstan in 1H2020
Lending volumes to Kazakhstan's industry revealed
Kazakh banks increase lending to economy
Banking sector liabilities slightly increase in Kazakhstan
Almaty leading by current accounts value in Kazakhstan
Deposits value slightly up in Kazakhstan
Loans to physical persons increase in Kazakhstan
National Bank of Kazakhstan talks digital developments' support measures (Exclusive)
National Bank of Kazakhstan talks digital developments' support measures (Exclusive)
Volume of business deposits decreases in Kazakhstan
Corporate deposits to banks of Kazakhstan decrease
Cost of US government bonds in portfolio of Kazakh pension fund revealed
Total bank deposits in Kazakhstan up, legal entities's deposits down
Kazakh banks' net profit highest over past 5 years
Kazakh banks' assets slightly up year-on-year
Kazakh banks increase their financial stability
Revenues of Kazakhstan’s second-tier banks increase