Russian company plans to export products to Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan enforces increase of excise rate on alcohol
Azerbaijani company discloses volume of manufactured medical alcohol
Azerbaijani winemakers start production of medical alcohol, disinfectants
Kristall Plus CJSC begins medical alcohol production in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijani plant develops new line for production of alcoholic beverages
Uzbek government reduces participation in alcohol industry
Uzbekistan to sell government shares in 140 alcohol companies
Azerbaijani entrepreneur proposes not to consider wine as an alcoholic drink
Major Russian company talks increase of beer export to Kazakhstan (Exclusive)
Uzbekistan raises rate of excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol
Major Russian company launches export of alcoholic beverages to Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan to provide financial support to small business
Uzbekistan increases import duties on agricultural products by up to 30%
Uzbekistan raises tax on alcohol, tobacco
Georgia increases wine export
Uzbekistan names reasons for upcoming price rise for cigarettes, alcohol
Azerbaijani alcohol producer to increase cognac production
Iran discloses number of people poisoned by counterfeit alcohol in Baneh county
57 people poisoned, 3 dead after drinking counterfeit alcoholic drinks in Iran
Assam toxic alcohol deaths: 70 people die in north-eastern Indian state
Azerbaijani wine producer decides on new export directions (Exclusive)
Turkmenistan limits retail sale of alcohol
Turkmenistan limits retail sale of alcohol