
Dutch journalists union asks lawmaker to adjust controversial film

Other News Materials 29 March 2008 03:05 (UTC +04:00)

( dpa ) - The Dutch journalists union NVJ has asked lawmaker Geert Wilders to adjust his controversial film about the Koran, saying he violated the copyright by using an image by a Danish cartoonist, NVJ president Thomas Bruning told reporters on Friday.

On Thursday, Wilders released his long-expected film film titled Fitna and in which he warns against what he calls "the danger of Islamization of the Netherlands."

The union sent an official letter to Wilders upon the request of its Danish counterpart DUJ, highlighting that he had used one of Kurt Westergaard's cartoons in the film without permission.

Westergaard, who was at the centre of a wave of protests and threat from Muslims worldwide following the 2005 publication of his cartoons in Denmark, said he never intended his cartoon to be used for political propaganda.

DUJ and the cartoonist have asked the NVJ to initiate legal action of Wilders failed to respond by Monday.

