Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's approval rating hit a record 84 percent in January, up from 80.3 percent in December, a survey showed on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the president's disapproval rating fell from 15.2 percent in December to 12.2 percent in January.
The survey was conducted by Research firm CNT/Sensus between Jan. 26 and Jan. 30 among 2,000 respondents around the country, Xinhua reported.
It also showed the approval rating for Lula's administration also hit record-high figures, reaching 72.5 percent in January from 71.1 percent in December.
The share of the Brazilian population that found the Lula administration as "regular" was slightly up from 21.6 to 21.7 percent, and 5 percent considered his government bad or very bad, down from 6.4 percent in December.
The results indicate that people have faith in the methods taken by President Lula and his administration to deal with the international financial crisis, the survey said.
CNT president Clesio Andrade said Brazilians believe the Lula administration is doing everything it can to overcome the crisis.
"The population has strong hopes in the government's measures, and they believe the crisis will pass," Andrade said, adding that "Lula has become the anchor of hope."
However, Andrade said Lula's popularity will fall if the unemployment level in the country keeps increasing.
The survey also showed that despite Lula's popularity, opposition candidate and Sao Paulo state governor Jose Serra is the leading candidate for the 2010 presidential elections.
Serra, a member of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), has 42.8 percent of the intended votes, down from 46.5 percent in December, while chief of staff, Dilma Rousseff, strongly supported by Lula, has 13.5 percent, up from 10.4 percent in December.