
ISIL tries to regain Kobani near Turkish-Syrian border

Türkiye Materials 28 September 2014 01:56 (UTC +04:00)

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, or ISIL, have launched a fresh offensive in order to regain the Kurdish populated city of Kobani in Syria, just across the border from Turkey, opposition groups in Syria claimed Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported.

According to opposition groups in Syria and sources connected with ISIL, the militant group has launched comprehensive attacks late Saturday to seize the city of Kobani, the Anadolu Agency staff reported from the region.

The ISIL militants have besieged three northern districts of Kobani, Munbic, Raqqa and Bab, using three tanks.

Meanwhile, on Saturday morning, the U.S-led coalition's strikes hit ISIL forces besieging the city, confirmed the U.S. Central Command.

ISIL launched an offensive in mid-September, capturing many villages surrounding Kobani, in northern Syria, from Kurdish fighters, grouped into what are called People's Protection Units or YPG.

The recent ISIL attacks increased the ongoing flow of Syrian refugees to Turkey.

Around 160,000 Kurdish refugees took shelter in Turkey, according to Ankara, since the country opened its border on September 19.

