Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan.19 / Trend I.Khalilova /
The Azerbaijani state budget's income was executed at 100.9 percent and amounted to over 15.7 billion manat with expenditures of over 15.3 billion manat, the Finance Ministry said on Wednesday.
The budget income increased by 37.7 percent, or over 4.297 billion manat compared to 2010.
Such a growth was provided as a result of a 6 percent overfulfilment of the proceeds from the Tax Ministry's. Tax payments to the budget increased by 312 million manat compared to last year's forecast and by 27.5 percent (over 1.179 billion manat) to 5.472 billion manat compared to 2010.
Proceeds from the State Customs Committee amounted to over 1.141 billion manat (forecast executed at 100.1 per cent)
Proceeds from the other ministries by 70.7 percent to 87.1 million manat against forecasts of 51 million manat.
Transfers of the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan were executed at a volume needed for the budget of 9 billion manat.
Budget's expenditure increased by 30.8 percent (over 3.626 billion manat)compared to 2010. Some 46.7 percent (over 7.190 billion manat)of budget expenditures were spent on current expenditure, which increased by 8.2 per cent or by 544.4 million manat. Some 51.1 per cent of the budget expenditure, or over 7.860 billion manat were spent on capital expenditure. Some 5.854 billion manat fell to public investment and over 2.006 billion manat were spent on purchase of fixed assets for budget organizations.
For public debt serving 2.2 per cent of budget expenditure, or 343.1 million manat were spent which is 3.7 times or by 252.4 million manat more than expenditure in 2010.
For financing social projects some 28.2 percent of budget expenditure, or over 4.34 billion manat were spent, which is 17.2 percent (637 million manat)more than in 2010.
In terms of capital investments, 729.5 million manat were spent on financing social projects and over 5.124 billion manat were spent on construction and reconstruction of facilities in energy, gas, water, amelioration, transport and municipal infrastructure.