
Weekly tenders in the region (June 27-July 1)

Analysis Materials 4 July 2016 16:20 (UTC +04:00)

Tender: Turkmen state oil concern to buy pipes, metal-roll

Turkmennebit (Turkmenoil) state concern of Turkmenistan has announced an international tender for the purchase of pipes and metal-roll.

All interested companies should:

- submit an application (applications of offshore companies will not be accepted) indicating the applicant’s full name, legal status, country of registration and details.

- get lot specifications and a package of tender documents by paying $575 (including VAT) for participation in the tender.

Tender bids will be accepted within 30 working days since the day of publication.

For additional information please call: (+99312) 40-39-39.

Fax for sending applications: (+99312) 40-31-88, 40-31-77 (for technical issues).

Applications should be submitted to: 56, Archabil Avenue, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Turkmengas state concern announces tender

Turkmengas State Concern has announced a tender to buy all factory equipment.

All those interested to participate in the tender are invited to:

- submit an application listing the bidder’s full name, legal status, country of registration and details;

- get the specifications for the lot, technical requirements and basic contract terms;

- get the invoice to transfer $500 or its equivalent in Turkmen manats (excluding VAT and banking costs) per lot for participation in the tender free of charge.

Applications from offshore companies won’t be accepted.

Tender bids will be received until 12:00 (GMT+5) August 1, 2016.

Applications should be sent to: Turkmengas state concern, 56, Archabil Avenue, 1939, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Email: [email protected]

Turkmen refinery extends tender for repairing air conditioning system

Turkmenistan’s Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries (TCOR) has extended the tender for repair and maintenance of the industrial (semi-industrial) air conditioning systems at the refinery.

All interested to take part in the tender are invited to:

- submit a bid listing the bidder’s full name, legal status, country of registration, details and contact numbers;

- read the specifications for the lot and technical requirements;

- obtain the package of tender documents by paying 6037.50 Turkmen manats per lot. The exchange rate is $1 – 3.5 manats.

The bids should be sent to the Foreign Economic Relations Department of TCOR at the following address: Turkmenistan, Balkan province, Turkmenbashi city, TCOR.

Tender bids will be received within 25 days from the date of announcement.

Commercial bids should be submitted in two sealed envelopes. The first envelope should include technical specifications, while the second envelope should contain commercial bids with prices for the offered products.

Tel.: +993243 2-48-49, +993243 2-24-63, 2-50-91, 96-2-79, (Tel./fax: +993243 2-22-04, 2-52-66 for sending applications).

Uzbek gas chemical complex announces tender

Uzbekistan’s Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex LLC has announced an open tender (#12/16) for the supply of equipment for the dairy plant of the complex.

The maximum purchase price has reached $1 million.

Detailed information about the technical specifications, as well as the rules of submitting the documents can be obtained at the following address: Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex LLC, 180300, Shurtan village, Guzar district, Uzbekistan.

Tel./ fax: +99875 552- 40- 22

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.sgcc.uz

Tender bids will be received till Sept. 11, 2016, 17:00 (UTC/GMT + 5 hours).

Turkmenistan to put up state property for auction

The Turkmen Economy and Development Ministry announces about holding an auction for the sale of state facilities, to be held at 10:00 (GMT + 5 hours) on July 13, 2016 at the address: 156, Archabil Avenue, Ashgabat.

Industrial plant, livestock farm, pipe plant, shops, shopping malls, carpet factory, textile companies and others are among the facilities put up for auction.

The citizens of Turkmenistan and foreign countries, as well as private legal entities of Turkmenistan and legal entities of foreign countries, who made bids in the prescribed form, as well as a deposit and a special fee and who have registered to participate in the investment contests in due time, are allowed to participate in the investment contests.

Foreign legal entities, international organizations established under the laws of foreign countries, their permanent representative offices and branches in Turkmenistan may participate in such a process only in case of the conclusion of the Agency for Protection from Economic Risks under the Turkmen ministry.

The ministry accepts bids and registers bidders from the date of publication of this announcement in the media. The procedure will end 24 hours before the investment contests.

The consultations on the participation procedure in the investment contests and additional information about the facilities for privatization are made by the Department of Property Relations and Entrepreneurship Support of the ministry and the specialized departments.
All participants are able to preliminary review a facility for privatization.

Telephones: (+99312) 39-46-73, 39-46-75.

Tender: Turkmenistan to buy technological equipment

Turkmengas State Concern has announced an open tender to buy all factory and technological equipment.

All those interested to participate in the tender are invited to:

- submit an application listing the bidder’s full name, legal status, country of registration and details;

- get the specifications for the lot, technical requirements and basic contract terms;

- get the invoice to transfer $500 or its equivalent in Turkmen manats (excluding VAT and banking costs) per lot for participation in the tender free of charge.

Applications from offshore companies won’t be accepted.

Tender bids will be received until 12:00 (GMT+5) August 5, 2016.

Applications should be sent to: Turkmengas state concern, 56, Archabil Avenue, 1939, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Phone: (+99312) 40-37-39, 40-37-40, 40-37-41, 40-37-42.

Fax: (+99312) 40-37-45.

Email: [email protected]

