The following is a numbered list of news on latest economic developments in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as of 12:00 GMT, Jan. 10, on IRINN TV.
1. 12:02 GMT – The Iranian government has tasked the ministries of industry and also agriculture with taking the required measures aimed at protecting market balance ahead of the new Iranian calendar year to start March 21.
2. 12:04 GMT – Central Bank of Iran has refused to endorse Bitcoin.
3. 12:05 GMT – Iranian and Indian officials have joined a meeting in India to discuss expansion economic cooperation in transportation sector.
4. 12:06 GMT – Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian has briefed journalists about the methods to deal with the issue of water shortage in the country.
5. 12:08 GMT – Report on the rate of foreign currencies in the Iranian market. Euro was traded at 52,492 rials in the free market. The official rate of US dollar was 36,289 rials and it was traded at 43383 rials in the free market.
6- 12:08 GMT – Report on the prices of gold in Iranian market. Gold coin was traded at 14,930,000 rials (about $344.1 according to the currency rate in free market). One gram of the 18-karat gold was priced at 1,382,000 rials (about $31.8).
7. 12:09 GMT – The main index of Tehran Stock Exchange reached 96,186 points.
9. 12:10 GMT – Report on the prices of home-made cars.
10. 12:11 GMT – The officials have removed obstacles against the activity of over 800 industrial units in the country’s industrial parks.
11. 12:12 GMT – Report on the production of a factory producing barberry juice in South Khorasan Province.
Source: State-owned news channel IRINN, Tehran, in Persian
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