The Chairman of the Permanent Social Policy Commission of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Hadi Rajabli, said on December 15 at the meeting of the Parliament that amendments will be made to the rules of issuing addressed social aid to the poor families.
He said that there are serious problems in the regions in issuing the addressed social aid. It is possible to say that there are no problems in the law envisaging addressed social aid for the poor families. For the first time, Addressed Social Aid Institute will be created in Azerbaijan. But there are bureaucratic obstacles in the instructions regarding these questions. According to the instruction prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan, it needs to submit 17 documents to receive addressed social aid. These questions impose problems for the population wishing to receive addressed social aid, Rajabli said.
He added that in 2007, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will alter the instruction.