BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 24
By Samir Ali - Trend:
It is necessary to carefully study the issue of vaccination of children against COVID-19 since all studies on this disease were carried out in relation to people over 18 years old, Head of the Working Group of the Azerbaijani Management Union of Medical Territorial Units Vasif Aliyev told Trend.
Aliyev noted that all vaccines created against coronavirus are intended for people over 18 years old.
“For children, this disease is mild. Its acute form was not observed in young children. However, children are active carriers of the virus, so they can infect adults. In this regard, the vaccination of children may become an indication, since it will thereby be possible to break the chain of infections. Studies have shown that vaccination of children over 12 years of age with the Pfizer vaccine is harmless. In China, it is recommended that children over 3 years of age be vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine. But all of this remains to be studied,” the TABIB representative said.
The head of the Working Group added that it should be carefully researched which vaccine can be recommended for 3 and 12 age groups, after which it will become possible to vaccinate children against coronavirus.