Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, February 9 / correspondent. Trend A. Tynaev / Parliament of Kyrgyzstan on 10 of February to discuss the issue of closing the U.S. airbase at Manas.
The draft bill was received by the legislative body on the 4th of February, the day after the declaration of the President Kurmanbek Bakiev in Moscow that Kyrgyzstan intends to withdraw a unit 367 th expeditionary wing aircraft the U.S. Air Force.
However, the plenipotentiary representative of the Government in Parliament has asked lawmakers "not to hurry", and to discuss the issue according to the procedure - that it be considered first in the core committee, then in all three fractions of Jogorku Kenesh.
Parliament has introduced the discussion on the draft law " About the denonsation of the MFA return note to US embassy's note, which creates an agreement between Kyrgyzstan and United States" in the current agenda of the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Defense, Security and the rule of law.
Rapporteur on the bill is the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic Kadyrbek Sarbaev.
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