
Iran slams Israeli war threats

Iran Materials 10 November 2010 05:43 (UTC +04:00)

Iran has lashed out at Israeli prime minister's comments that encourage the US to take military action against Tehran.

Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told Press TV that Tehran has taken legal action in the United Nations against the Israeli threat.

"Our mission in New York will send a note to the secretary general of the United Nations and register this kind of threats of the [Israeli] regime in the region," the Iranian top diplomat said.

"The existence of this illegal regime is mixed with violation, terror, threats and aggression," Mottaki stated.

Mottaki's remarks come a day after Benjamin Netanyahu demanded Washington launch a military attack against Iran's nuclear program.

Netanyahu, paying a visit to the US, said a credible military threat by the United States is the only way to deter Iran. His call was rejected by US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates.

The US and some Western powers accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, in its reports on Iran's nuclear program, has said that its inspectors have found no shred of evidence to indicate that Tehran plans to develop a military nuclear program.

