Increase of public awareness in Islam is the most effective way for preventing missionary, Sheik-ul-Islam Allahshukir Pashazada, the chairman of the Caucasus Clerical Board (CCB), stated to the 6th session of the Eurasian Islamic Council held in Istanbul, Trend reports in reference to Turkish daily Zaman.
Pashazade underlined that the missionary activities in Azerbaijan are held under the missionary activities in Azerbaijan are inducted under the veil of humanism. В"Absence of religious fiction in Azerbaijan makes negative impact on the fight with missionaries,” he stressed.
The same time a teacher of the Theology Faculty of the Baku State University, Prof. Vasim Mammadaliyev, noted that the missionaries make the people, who changed the religious beliefs, to change their first and second names. В"The missionaries assures the Azerbaijanis, who accepted Christianity that hence Armenians are their brothers in beliefs,” he underlined .
Participants in the three-day event disagreed that after the collapse of the USSR there evolved big gap in the sphere of religious outlook, which the missionary organizations and banned religious sects tried to benefit.