The re-run, by- and municipals elections, as well as first elections in some municipalities are being held in Azerbaijan on 6 October 2006. All polling stations opened at 08.00, Trend reports.
A total of 4,525 candidates are balloting in the elections. The constituency elections commissions where the elections are being held, number 82, while the polling stations total 940, the municipalities where the elections are held - 603, members of the municipalities where members are to be elected - 1931, electors approximately 810,000. Members of 164 municipalities will be elected in full composition, whereas repeated elections will be held to 141 municipalities, additional elections to 37 municipalities, new elections to 405 municipalities and first elections to 22 municipalities.
In the beginning of the elections process 4,696 candidates were nominated
to members of municipalities. 4,686 candidates have received ballot papers, whereas 4,641 candidates submitted their documents. The candidacies of 4,638 applicants were registered, while three were refused from the registration. Further 101 people recalled their candidacy. The number of candidates to municipalities where the elections were postponed comprised 11. Thus, at present, 4,525 candidates participate in the elections, including 239 women.
The CEC has registered 179 people to observe the polls, while the constituency elections commissions 8,425 local observers. Moreover, 32 international observers, as well as 451 representatives of candidates, will monitor the elections.
Information Center Sechkiler [Elections] of the CEC will work actively and update data on electors' activity every hour.