
Azerbaijan: Turkic Speaking Countries' PA marks new epoch in history of Turkic nations

Azerbaijan Materials 4 June 2009 14:38 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, June 4 / Trend , A. Huseynbala/

Activities of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic Speaking Countries will have a positive impact on joint action by Turkic nations.  

"Assembly's activities marks new epoch in history of Turkic nations," head of administration of the Azerbaijani parliament Safa Mirzayev said at a meeting of the heads of parliamentary administrations of the Turkic Speaking Countries PA in Baku.

Heads of parliamentary administrations of the Turkic Speaking Countries PA decided to hold Turkic Speaking Countries PA next summit in Baku on Sept. 28-29 in Baku.

The meeting in the Azerbaijani parliament was attended by representatives from Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Uzbek and Turkmen representatives did not participate.

Head of the Azerbaijani parliament administration Safa Mirzayev proposed the PA General Secretariat to locate in Baku. The proposal was welcomed.

Heads of the parliament administrations of the member states of the Turkic Speaking Countries' decided to establish Parliamentary Assembly at a conference in Istanbul in 2008. The PA includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

Mirzayev said the assembly will contribute to joint resolution of problems of the Turkic countries.

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