
Influence without borders: BRICS as global force for change

Politics Materials 23 October 2024 20:35 (UTC +04:00)
Influence without borders: BRICS as global force for change
Elchin Alioghlu
Elchin Alioghlu
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The 16th BRICS summit in Kazan signifies a pivotal moment in international relations, opening new avenues for economic cooperation and expanding the group's global influence. Leaders from the BRICS nations convened for their first in-person meeting since the organization’s historic expansion, underscoring both its achievements and its ambitious plans for the future.

The global economy is undergoing a profound transformation, characterized by the rise of multipolarity and a rebalancing of power. As the West’s once-dominant role wanes and Eastern and Global South nations ascend, traditional international institutions face new challenges. At the center of this shift are the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, institutions that increasingly struggle to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. In contrast, BRICS and its expanded BRICS+ format offer a fresh model of global economic cooperation, one that aspires to reshape the world order.

Transforming Global Financial Institutions: From Past to Present

The IMF and World Bank were established in the aftermath of World War II to restore the global economy and support nations devastated by conflict. These U.S.-led institutions, along with Western allies, played a critical role in coordinating international aid and stabilizing economies. However, over the decades, their mandates have evolved to address new global challenges.

Today, these institutions are at a crossroads. The world they were designed to govern no longer operates by the rules of the mid-20th century. As economic fragmentation intensifies and developing nations grow increasingly dissatisfied with the West's grip on the IMF and World Bank, calls for radical reform have become louder. Issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and sovereign debt crises dominate the global agenda, but they also highlight the limitations of the current financial architecture.

BRICS+ and the Rise of a Multipolar World

The 2024 BRICS summit in Kazan marks the beginning of a new era in international relations, one defined by multipolarity. Over the past 15 years, BRICS has established itself as a platform for economic and political collaboration, but its recent expansion through the BRICS+ format signals a more ambitious phase. By welcoming countries like Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates into the fold, BRICS+ reflects the aspirations of developing nations to create alternatives to Western-dominated economic and political institutions.

This expanded bloc now represents approximately 45% of the world’s population and produces up to 35% of global GDP, presenting a direct challenge to the G7, which, despite controlling around 30% of global GDP, speaks for only 10% of the global population. The nations of the Global South are increasingly vocal in their demands for greater representation in international institutions, accelerating the creation of new centers of power.

Internal Tensions: The Path to Consensus or Division?

Despite the expansion, BRICS+ faces significant internal challenges. The bloc's diversity, once a strength, now complicates its efforts to forge a unified direction. Differences in economic priorities and political goals, particularly between China and Russia on one side, and India and Brazil on the other, present hurdles to achieving consensus on key issues.

These disagreements are most visible in discussions about creating a unified BRICS currency to reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar and in negotiations over trade. Economic links within the bloc remain fragmented, limiting its collective influence on the global stage. While BRICS+ aspires to offer an alternative to Western dominance, it must first overcome these internal divisions if it is to present a cohesive vision for the future.

A New Global Power Structure?

As BRICS+ enters this new chapter, it stands at a crossroads between potential and peril. The group has the numbers, the resources, and the political will to reshape the global order, but whether it can overcome its internal contradictions remains to be seen. If successful, BRICS+ could become the cornerstone of a multipolar world, providing a counterbalance to Western institutions that no longer reflect the realities of today’s global economy.

However, failure to address internal rifts could limit its potential, relegating the bloc to a footnote in history rather than the transformative force it aspires to be. One thing is certain: the future of global governance is no longer confined to the corridors of Washington and Brussels. The emergence of BRICS+ signals the dawn of a new era, where influence knows no borders, and the rules of international relations are being rewritten in real time.

Financial Infrastructure and the Struggle for Economic Sovereignty

One of the most ambitious strategic goals of BRICS is the creation of an independent financial infrastructure, one that reduces the bloc’s dependence on Western systems. This objective has gained momentum in the wake of Western sanctions against Russia and China, prompting both nations to accelerate joint efforts toward developing alternative financial mechanisms. Among the most critical initiatives is the creation of a payment system designed to replace the U.S.-dominated SWIFT network, from which Russia was expelled following the conflict in Ukraine.

Beyond payment systems, another key initiative is the development of a platform for trading natural resources, a move aimed at reducing the bloc’s reliance on Western markets. This shift is particularly significant for Russia and China, both of which seek to use their vast reserves of natural resources to bolster their geopolitical and economic influence. By controlling the flow of resources like oil, gas, and rare minerals, these nations aim to not only strengthen their internal economies but also increase their leverage on the global stage.

While the expansion and consolidation of BRICS+ may highlight internal contradictions, it nonetheless underscores the inevitability of a multipolar world order. Countries of the Global South are increasingly asserting themselves, and the BRICS bloc is gradually emerging as a significant player in international affairs. This sets the stage for a rethinking of the current world order, where a transition toward a more balanced and equitable global system becomes possible.

Navigating a New Global Landscape

The world is hurtling toward a new geopolitical reality, where two primary economic forces are vying for global dominance: on one side, the United States and its Western allies, and on the other, the expanding BRICS+ nations. In between these poles are numerous countries attempting to strike a balance, navigating a path of cooperation with both blocs. This growing complexity introduces a contradictory dynamic in international relations, where multipolarity reigns but alliances are fluid and ever-shifting.

For BRICS+, this ambiguity can be both a catalyst for its growth and a formidable challenge. Initially conceived as an economic alliance, BRICS is now being asked to evolve into a more comprehensive bloc that addresses political and strategic issues as well. The question is whether it can become a legitimate competitor to established Western institutions or if its internal contradictions will impede that potential. As Chinese President Xi Jinping observed, BRICS’s main challenge is leveraging its collective experience to unlock new horizons of cooperation.

Between Inevitability and Challenge

The expansion of BRICS, which now includes countries ranging from the Middle East to Latin America, was not merely a logical step—it was an inevitable response to the seismic shifts taking place in the global order. With the expansion, BRICS+ now represents nearly half of the world’s population, solidifying its position as a major player on the international stage. No longer seen as just a coalition of emerging economies, BRICS is fast becoming a transformative force in global economic and political systems, representing the interests of the Global South and positioning itself as a counterbalance to Western dominance.

This new dynamic in global relations places BRICS at the forefront of leadership for developing markets. The bloc is united by shared economic challenges and a common goal of reducing dependence on traditional financial centers dominated by the West. BRICS provides its member nations access to critical resources such as investments, new markets, and cutting-edge technologies. This is especially important as developing countries increasingly face economic pressure from Western economies, which are eager to maintain their grip on global markets.

Moreover, the expanded BRICS bloc’s GDP, measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), has already surpassed that of the G7. This economic milestone not only underscores the growing clout of BRICS but also highlights its potential to become a key driver of global economic growth. A critical component of the bloc’s strategy is its focus on sustainable development, an agenda that makes BRICS attractive to countries seeking long-term partnerships based on mutual benefit.

A New Global Power Player

As BRICS+ continues to solidify its role on the global stage, the bloc’s influence is undeniable. It offers an alternative vision for global governance—one that embraces multipolarity, economic inclusivity, and political independence. Yet, the road ahead is fraught with challenges. The bloc's success depends on its ability to reconcile internal divisions and present a united front capable of exerting real influence in reshaping international institutions.

The struggle for economic sovereignty, particularly through the creation of independent financial infrastructure, symbolizes more than just resistance to Western pressure—it represents a broader effort to redefine the rules of the global game. As BRICS+ advances, the world will watch closely to see if it can translate its ambitions into lasting influence, making it a genuine contender in the new global order. Whether it succeeds or falters, BRICS+ is already forcing the world to rethink its assumptions about power, economics, and the future of international relations.

The New Face of a Global Bloc

One of the core factors behind the rising influence of BRICS+ is its openness and inclusivity. The admission of new members from diverse regions underscores the bloc's appeal to developing nations, which see in BRICS not only economic opportunities but also a chance to strengthen their global positions and reduce dependence on Western financial structures. This broadening of membership is not merely symbolic; it enhances the bloc’s global presence and signals its readiness for meaningful multilateral cooperation.

Surveys show that many countries in the Global South view the prospect of joining BRICS+ positively. The bloc offers tangible prospects for expanded trade, increased investment, and enhanced political influence. Crucially, BRICS does not position itself as merely an alternative to Western institutions but as a fully functional mechanism capable of reshaping the global landscape. By offering emerging markets new opportunities for growth, BRICS is positioned as a key player in an evolving world order.

In the current climate of global political and economic instability, BRICS has emerged as a critical platform for Global South nations seeking independence from traditional financial centers. Its role in consolidating collective efforts and addressing shared challenges highlights that multipolarity is no longer just a trend but a defining reality of the new global order. As a powerful engine of change, BRICS+ will continue to influence the future of international institutions, representing the interests of countries that have long been on the periphery of the global system.

BRICS as a Flagship of Innovation and a Political Force in a Multipolar World

One of the most significant achievements of BRICS has been the creation of platforms for cooperation in frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and green technologies. The New Development Bank (NDB), headquartered in Shanghai, plays a central role in this process. The NDB has been instrumental in providing financial support to member states, enabling the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects and enhancing economic stability. This is especially critical for Global South countries, which often face significant restrictions in accessing Western financial resources and investments.

A special emphasis has been placed on innovative scientific and technological initiatives, including the Chinese-led BRICS Development and Cooperation Center for Artificial Intelligence. These projects underscore BRICS's strategic focus, which goes beyond traditional economic cooperation to encompass technological leadership in the future. By investing in these advanced sectors, BRICS is positioning itself as a leader in the global technological race and promoting sustainable development among its members.

BRICS as a Political Force: Global Leadership in a Multipolar World

In addition to its economic achievements, BRICS is cementing its position as a political force committed to promoting multipolarity and a fair global order. Unlike Western alliances, which often form around political or ideological alignment, BRICS is grounded in principles of equal cooperation and inclusivity. Its members encompass a wide array of political systems and economic models, making the bloc flexible and adaptable to the varied challenges of today’s global landscape.

A cornerstone of BRICS's foreign policy is its rejection of coercion and unilateral decision-making. The bloc champions multilateral dialogue, which has made it an attractive partner for nations seeking to avoid the pressures and conditionalities often imposed by traditional global powers. This policy of neutrality and inclusivity allows BRICS to expand its influence, drawing in more developing nations eager to explore alternative models of cooperation and free themselves from the dominance of Western institutions.

BRICS — A New Phase in Global Multipolarity

The expansion of BRICS signals the dawn of a new era in the global economy and international relations. Amid increasing uncertainty on the world stage, this coalition has demonstrated its ability to provide a critical platform for cooperation among Global South countries. As it solidifies its position not just as an economic bloc but as a champion of multipolarity and fairness, BRICS is reshaping the foundations of global governance.

The summit in Kazan could prove to be a watershed moment in history, setting the stage for the continued consolidation of BRICS as a formidable player in international relations. As its leadership role grows, particularly as an advocate for developing economies, the bloc is becoming an indispensable factor in global development and stability. This new phase for BRICS reflects a deeper shift towards a world where influence is more evenly distributed, and the principles of fairness and multilateralism are upheld. In this evolving landscape, BRICS+ stands poised to play a defining role in shaping the future of global governance.

