
UNEC Public Control Board announces its report on summer examination session

Society Materials 12 July 2016 17:40 (UTC +04:00)

“UNEC Public Control Board” represented by the country’s well- known experts, scientists and the representatives of prestigious media has held a press conference on the results of the summer exam session at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) on July 12.

Head of the Marketing and Communication Department of UNEC Rasim Sharifov said that “UNEC Public Control Board” is established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan about the “Public Participation”, Education Minister’s order 279 dated on May 11 2016 about the “Organization and conduct of Examination session” and the measures taken to improve the quality of education based on ensuring the objectivity in the assessment of students’ knowledge, protection of transparency and importance of the public participation and the representatives of civil society. Control of the summer exam session was assigned to this organization.

It was noted that the proposal on the establishment of the “UNEC Public Control Board” was made to the university administration by the heads of NGO Alimammad Nuriyev, Etibar Aliyev and the education expert, Professor Shahlar Asgerov. The administration assessed the proposal positively and decided to establish the Board.

“UNEC Public Control Board” includes the Honored Scientist, Professor Shahlar Asgerov, Head of the Education Center “XXI Century”, coordinator Etibar Aliyev, Deputy Director General of the Information Agency “Trend” Arzu Naghiyev, member of the Constitutional Research Foundation for Human Rights Alimammad Nuriyev, Director of the Youth, Science and Education Programs Department of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Zaur Mahmudov, Executive Director of the Information Agency “Ses” Veli Veliyev, Chairman of the Parliamentary Journalists Association, General Director of the Media Group “Modern” Elshad Eyvazli and the reporter of the “525th newspaper” Sevinj Garayeva.

Head of the Education Center “XXI Century”, PhD, the Coordinator of the “Public Control Board” Etibar Aliyev said that the Board members supervised UNEC’s “Hotline” and Appeals Commission, held individual conversations with the students and attended the “Open Door” days of the higher institution monitoring the summer examination session held within June 1- July 4. Incoming calls were investigated within a short time and addressed to university administration to take measures promptly.

The Board members performed the supervision of the exams in all academic buildings of UNEC without any obstacles and the information on the examination process was broadcast on media constantly. The Board also controlled the exams held at the Financial Economic College. The exam method currently applied serves to eliminate the shortcomings happened within the exam session some time.

It was noted that 12 thousand students took part in the exam session. 3500 enquiries were submitted to the Appeals Commission within the period. 1400 of them were resolved positively. 1200 got a negative response. 900 applications are under consideration. Afterwards the Board members answered the questions of media representatives.

Deputy Director General of the Information Agency “Trend” Arzu Naghiyev assessed the establishment of “UNEC Public Control Board” positively in terms of ensuring the objectivity in the assessment of the students’ knowledge. It prevents the negative thoughts arising from public. A. Naghiyev stressed the importance of the Boards’ activities in the future.

Honored Scientists, Professor Shahlar Asgerov highlighted that the “UNEC Public Control Board” is the innovation for the Azerbaijan education: “There are two key issues in front of the education- transfer and assessment of education. The assessment is an important and controversial issue. The ideas about the shortcomings in assessment were available at any time. However, the Board put an end to all these rumors”. Sh. Asgerov made his proposals on improving the quality of the tests and reducing the number.

Head of the Constitutional Research Foundation, member of the Joint Group for Human Rights Alimammad Nuriyev noted that the summer examination session of UNEC was in general held objectively and transparently: “We have observed the exam session within a month. All necessary conditions were made at UNEC for the purpose. We are satisfied with the situation. We are also pleased with the software used in exams. The system allows preventing negative cases. Students can see their results immediately at the end of the exam. No outside interference to the system is possible. We came into this conclusion after talking to the students”.

The other members sounded proposals on improving the body’s performance and expressed their views on the participation of board members not only in the exam session, but the entire teaching process evaluating the relations among the student, teachers and the parents in a high level.

The final report of press conference was announced. The Board members came to the conclusion that the preparation for the exam session at UNEC was in a high level. It was noted that the test method applied will serve to ensuring the objectivity and transparency in the future.

In the end, it was noted that the performance of “UNEC Public Control Board” will continue and all conditions to provide the participation of the representatives of civil society and the journalists will be created by the university administration.

UNEC is the brand of Azerbaijan State University of Economics. The brand of UNEC has been registered and patented by the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent on January 21 2016. In brand approval 41st class of special classification on- educating, ensuring teaching process, organization of entertaining, sport and cultural-educational events and 42nd class on- scientific and technological services and the related researches, industrial analysis and services on scientific researches, technical and program provision of computers and their improvement have been based on by the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent.

