
Azerbaijani national brand «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» presents new product line and special gift boxes dedicated to Victory Day (PHOTO/VIDEO)

Society Materials 1 November 2021 09:34 (UTC +04:00)

"Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" is the Azerbaijanian premium-class national brand founded by Mr. Vugar Maharramov in 2015. This is the fastest growing chain of boutiques offering the preservative-free organic dried fruits, nuts, exotic teas and sweet treats.

When working over an idea and a concept of the brand, the main goal of Vugar Maharramov was not only to create a high quality brand, distinguished by the most delicious tastes and natural products, but also to worthily represent and associate it with Azerbaijan, the country with a centuries-old history and rich culture - both inside and beyond its borders. V. Maharramov has succeeded perfectly well with this task. Currently, the "Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" brand has not only successfully created, but also continues to promote a certain cultural value through various exclusive products and special designs, combining the specific and distinctive tastes from all over the world.

As a true patriot of Azerbaijan with a deep and sincere love to the Motherland, Vugar Maharramov, together with his friend Elnur Aliyev, created on the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter social networks the pages called Karabakh and Karabakh.ru, exposing the Armenian unashamed lies and telling the world about the Armenian terrorism.

The 1st of October 2021 has marked the first year since creating these pages. Very shortly Azerbaijan will be celebrating the first anniversary of the Victory in the 44-day Patriotic War won by the Azerbaijan’s glorious army under the leadership of the triumphant Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, as a result of which the long-term Armenian occupation has been stopped to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

To commemorate this memorable date, the "Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" brand has released the special gift boxes dedicated to the historical victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War. Each gift box has both an exquisite appearance and a special design, with the motto "Karabakh is Azerbaijan", marking all the regions liberated from the Armenian occupation by the Azerbaijan victorious army.

Having said that, it is also noted that to this significant Victory Day the "Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" brand has also released a special new line of the herbal teas with a packaging design devoted to the Victory by Azerbaijan.

The gift boxes and a new product line of the herbal teas are now available in the "Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" network, being a perfect gift idea for the forthcoming celebration by Azerbaijan of the first anniversary of the Victory in the 44-day Patriotic War.

It is worth highlighting that the products of the "Xurcun Chain of Boutiques" are all organic and natural, and, therefore, beneficial to the body’s health by providing all the necessary vitamins, protecting the immune system and increasing its resistance to the harmful environmental influences.

Official website: https://www.xurcun.az/

E-mail address: [email protected]

Online store: https://xurcun.shop/

Social networks: Facebook, Instagram

Contact numbers: +994 50 212 12 31; +994 50 212 13 11 (for corporate clients).

