
«Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» renews and enriches variety of organic and gluten-free products’ collections (PHOTO/VIDEO)

Society Materials 8 November 2021 11:00 (UTC +04:00)

The organic products’ chain renewal and further assortment expansion by the Azerbaijanian premium-class national brand «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques».

Back in 2015, while working over an idea and concept of the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques», Mr Vugar Maharramov, the company founder, initially laid the three main components into the brand's philosophy - the high quality, most delicious tastes and natural organic products.

Since its very establishment, the assortment presented by the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» has been infinitely wide and incredibly delicious. Having said that, it is worth highlighting the fact that a certain range of the organic products in Baku can be purchased exclusively in this chain of boutiques. Here you will find all products to be delicious, natural and of the best quality completely paying off the brand’s slogan «Keyfiyyətə vurğunuq» («Fond of Quality»).

The organic foods are the only means to get all the required for a human body vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and mineral salts, in order to protect it from any harmful substances contained in the current food products. The healthy organic foods boost the people’s immunity and increase the body’s resistance to the harmful effects of the external environment, as well as guarantee the excellent mood and impeccable health. Taking it all round, together with a great interest in the organic production by the customers, the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» has renewed and further increased a variety of the organic and gluten-free products’ collections. The information about some new products is presented below to the attention of the readers.

Matcha Powder

Contains about three times more antioxidants than any regular green tea. Another important benefit is its high level of the caffeine and, at the same time, of the amino acid called L-theanine, which ensures a slower and more balanced absorption of the caffeine.

Organic Cocoa Butter

Thanks to the contained saturated and unsaturated fats, it has both the powerful nutritional benefits (which contribute to the normal functioning of the organ systems) and the skin-care properties.

Acai Powder

The tremendous health benefits of this powder are due to the contained phenolic substances, vitamins and minerals. It is also rich with calcium and iron, satisfying a norm of the essential minerals a human body needs on a daily basis. The powder also contains copper, manganese, magnesium and zinc.

Coconut Sugar

A natural sweetener acting as a reliable white sugar substitute with a lower glycemic index. It allows for a more balanced absorption and does not raise a blood sugar level at the time of consumption. Made entirely from the fruit extract, this natural sweetener contains all valuable nutrients contained in the coconut.

Black Chia Seeds

Recommended by the weight loss programs as a powerful alternative to the meat products in the vegetarian diets.

White quinoa

Contains all nine of the essential amino acids that are necessary for the human body, and which the body cannot synthesize on its own. In terms of its absorption properties, the white quinoa dissolves faster than the meat products with the same properties. Contains no cholesterol.

Gluten-Free Oats

Can suppress an appetite for a long time and prevent the blood sugar fluctuations while dieting and fasting. A regular consumption of the gluten-free oats helps the digestive systems function smoothly bringing the health benefits due to some nutrient rich complex components.

Almond flour

Almonds are high in protein (21%) being also a rich source of vitamins, minerals and healthy fatty acids. A range of essential nutrients makes this nutriment to be one of the ideal natural food choices in a variety of healthy food programs.

Having said the above, a renewed and expanded range of organic and gluten-free products presented by the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» does not end here.

The sales representatives of the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» are always happy to help the shop’s customers with the most detailed information about a particular product and its healthy properties.

It bears reminding that the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» has released the special gift boxes dedicated to the Victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War, where each box has not only a stylish design, but also contains the information about the historical victory of Azerbaijan.

«Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» congratulates the Azerbaijanian people with the first anniversary of the Victory in the 44-day Patriotic War won by the Azerbaijan’s glorious army under the leadership of the triumphant Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, as a result of which the long-term Armenian occupation has been stopped to restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

To commemorate the Victory date, the «Xurcun Chain of Boutiques» has produced the greeting video posted here below.

Official website: https://www.xurcun.az/

E-mail address: [email protected]

Online store: https://xurcun.shop/

Social networks: Facebook, Instagram

Contact numbers: +99450 212 12 31; +99450 212 13 11 (for corporate clients).

