
Kazakhstan holds oil spill response exercises in Caspian Sea

Oil&Gas Materials 8 June 2013 16:16 (UTC +04:00)

Kazakhstan, Astana, June 8 / Trend D. Mukhtarov /

The Republican command staff exercises "Kashagan-2013" for oil spill response were conducted in the Kashagan field in Kazakhstan, the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) told Trend on Friday.

"The participants eliminated the consequences of the second level conditional oil spill on the first day of the exercises," the statement said. "The equipment and appliances of the North Caspian project participants were used."

"Today we have seen that a consortium of companies involved in oil operations in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea, can actually eliminate the second level oil spill," Kazakh Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Zhambulat Smailov said. "I hope this will never happen."

"The purpose of these large-scale exercises is to test the readiness of the consortium to the oil spill on the eve of its first production," NCOC deputy managing director Zhakyp Marabayev said.

The equipment for the elimination of the third level oil disaster was delivered to the Atyrau from Great Britain.

"The second phase of the exercises is aimed at testing resources from other countries involved in Kazakhstan by contractors to liquidate possible spills," Marabayev said.

