
La Gazette du Caucase calls out pro-Armenian French media's smear campaign against Azerbaijan - coordinated lies revealed

Politics Materials 11 October 2024 10:45 (UTC +04:00)
La Gazette du Caucase calls out pro-Armenian French media's smear campaign against Azerbaijan - coordinated lies revealed
Maryana Ahmadova
Maryana Ahmadova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 11. The hypocrisy of the French media toward Azerbaijan ahead of the COP29 event is at its peak, says the French online outlet La Gazette du Caucase, Trend reports.

In their recent article, the authors highlight the so-called "report" prepared by Human Rights Watch (HRW), which French media have heavily circulated in recent days.

"In the report, the organization paints a distorted and misleading picture of Azerbaijan's governance, accusing the country of having 'eradicated civil society' and launching an 'intensified crackdown' on critics. These claims, as hollow as they are, serve only to tarnish Azerbaijan's reputation on the international stage and distract from the real issues at hand.

The article published by France Info, echoing HRW’s so-called "report", deliberately distorts Azerbaijan’s image. The timing of this report, just weeks before COP29, is no coincidence. It is part of a broader campaign orchestrated by a series of media outlets that have consistently targeted Azerbaijan with slander and disinformation," the article states.

La Gazette du Caucase notes that Azerbaijan has long been the target of such hypocritical attacks, often led by NGOs with hidden agendas. "It is no coincidence that these reports resurface precisely when Azerbaijan is preparing to host one of the most important global climate summits. HRW's so-called "scathing report" is nothing but a smear campaign aimed at undermining the significant progress the country has made in environmental policy, infrastructure, and international cooperation," the article argues.

The authors also raise another important issue, specifically regarding France Info. Recently, Agnes Varamyan, a French reporter of Armenian descent, became the head of the outlet.

"France Info, like others of its kind, has a long history of selective reporting, only raising its voice against countries that refuse to conform to their biased narrative. What is particularly striking is Varamyan's political beliefs, as she has shared posts on her Instagram page containing accusations against Azerbaijan. This raises further questions about the objectivity of the outlet's coverage. Where is their outrage when similar measures are taken by European governments to counter threats? When protests are repressed in Paris or journalists are silenced in Western countries, these same media remain silent. But when it comes to Azerbaijan – a country striving to maintain both stability and progress – these so-called human rights defenders suddenly find their voice," the authors pointed out.

"Azerbaijan will not be intimidated by baseless accusations or propaganda campaigns. The country’s leaders have clearly expressed their commitment to maintaining an open and inclusive society while ensuring the safety of their population. The criticisms of those who have no stake in Azerbaijan’s future will not prevent it from moving forward. As COP29 unfolds in Baku, let the world judge for itself. Azerbaijan’s contributions to global environmental efforts speak louder than any smear campaign. The truth will prevail, despite the desperate attempts of those who seek to distort it for their own ends," the article concludes.

