Azerbaijan, Baku / Trend corr. К.Zarbaliyeva / A group of the Dalga youth movement glue their mouth with sticky tape demonstrating against detention of the editor-in-chief of the Gundalik Azerbaijan and Realni Azerbaijan newspapers, Eynulla Fatulleyev.
The rally was held in front of the Heinous Court of Azerbaijan on 29 October.
The Public Prosecutor demand to sentence Fatullayev to 10 years of imprisonment.
The criminal case has been brought against Fatullayev with theArticle 214.1 (terror threat) and 283.2.2 (abuse of service powers to provoke social, national, race and religious hostility) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.
In compliance with the lawsuit brought by Tatyana Chaladzeh, the head of the Centre on Protection of Rights of Refugees and Internally Displaced People (IDPs), on 20 April Fatullayev was charged with Article147 (calumny) and was sentenced to two years half in prison.