
Turkmenneft State Concern announces international multi-tender

Oil&Gas Materials 9 March 2010 15:32 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, March 9 / Trend H. Hasanov /

"Turkmenneft" State Concern announces the tender for the purchase of products on the following lots: "Pipes and metal," "General refinery equipment", "Electrical Products", "Motor vehicle", "Chemicals," "Geophysical Equipment" on behalf of the committee for selection of suppliers.

Concerned people can apply to Turkmenneft State Concern (address: Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, st. Archabil 56).

They should make a bid (from companies registered or having bank accounts in offshore zones, the applications are not accepted) to participate in the tender by indicating full name, legal status, country of registration and other details;

- they should familiarize with the "Rules of tendering for the selection of suppliers of goods, supplies for fuel and energy, chemical sector and fisheries of Turkmenistan;

- they should get the documents for the international tender for the design, reconstruction and overhaul facility,i.e. a twelve-storey residential building in Balkanabad, with the surrounding area;

- they should get a package of tender documents by paying $230 (two hundred and thirty) dollars per lot, 15 percent VAT

The account will be specified while submitting a written application.

Tender bids will be received till April 5, 2010 by 03:00 p.m.

Packages with tender bids must be delivered to the above-mentioned address since the moment of published announcement. They will be considered after receiving the funds.

Tel.: +993 (12) 43-39-55, 43-31-84.

E-mail: [email protected].

