
Social sector in Azerbaijan (january-october 2010)

Analysis Materials 8 December 2010 11:17 (UTC +04:00)

Community income

According to the data provided by the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan, in January-October 2010, the nominal income of the population totaled AZN 20.3 billion which is 11.7% more as compared to January-October 2009.

During this period, the nominal per capita income made up AZN 2273.9, which exceeds the figure in 2009 by 10.4%. The rise in salaries in various spheres of economy and rise in social benefits also contributed to the growth in population income. The growth rate of population's incomes exceeded the last year's rate in September-October. Thus, in January-October 2009 the nominal income of the population compared to the same period of 2008 grew by 7.8 percent and per capita income - by 6.4 percent.

Major indices, characterizing money incomes of the population 


Actual figures in 2010

As compared to 2009 (%)

Net money incomes of population, in mln manats. 



Per capita population, in ths manats.



Money incomes in hands, in mln manats.



Per capita population, in ths manats



Source: State Statistics Committee

In January-October 2010, Azerbaijani citizens distributed their income in following way: 70.0% on purchase of goods and services, 9.7% - obligatory payment and fees, 19.3% - purchase of foreign currency and increase of savings.  

Real community incomes after the payment of taxes and membership fees made up 18457.1mln manat, or 12.5% more than last year. Real per capita community income made up AZN 2068.4 with rise of 11.2%.

Thus, during the reported period the money expenditure comprised AZN 16029.3mln or AZN 4260.9mln less than the incomes of population, but 14.1% more than the expenses in 2009. (Source: State Statistics Committee, calculations by Trend).


The salary is one of the key social and economic indicators, which sufficiently enough characterizes the level of the prosperity of the working part of the population. Thus, the amount of average monthly salary in Azerbaijan in January-October 2010 comprised AZN 320 or 7.2% more than the same period of 2009.

In October, the President of Azerbaijan signed next order to increase salary of staff of several organizations financed from the Public budget. Thus, according to the order, the monthly salaries of managers and other employees of the following organizations financed from the Public budget increased by an average 10 percent:

- Presidium and the Office of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the Office of Nakhchivan branch, the Center of Scientific Innovations;

- Public Administration Academy under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

- Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic;

- The Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc);

- Center of Science of the "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia";

- Ataturk Center in Azerbaijan;

- The State Archives of the Azerbaijan Republic and their branches, regional (city) state archives;

- Working group of the Interdepartmental Commission on Protection of the State Secret under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

- Working group of the State Commission on affairs of prisoners of war, hostages and missing;

- Permanently functioning Working group of the State Commission of the Azerbaijan Republic on struggle against narcotics and illegal circulation of drugs;

- State Film Fund of the Ministries of Culture and Tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic and its Nakhchivan branch; 

- Fund of Development of Science under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

- Fund of the State Support of Development of Mass Media under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

- Secretariat of Council of the State Support of the Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

In spite of rise in salaries of various organizations, this indicator retains its differentiation across the country. The highest salary accounts for industry, finance, operations with real estate, rent and consumer services and construction sector.

Employees of enterprises and organizations received social benefits in amount of 10.9mln manat. Major beneficiaries were employees of the extractive industry, energy, gas and water producing and distributing enterprises, refining industry, transport and communications.

Labor market

As of Nov. 1, there were 39,100 unemployed people, including 43.6 percent - women in Azerbaijan, the State Statistics Committee reported. Four unemployed claim for one vacancy in the country.

During the reported period, the economically active people in Azerbaijan made up 4,342,400 including 1,363,900 people as hired workers. Of the hired people, 855,300 people  work in the public sector and 488,700 -in private.

Of the hired employees involved in the production spheres: 20.2 percent in industry, 5 percent in construction, 2.9 percent in agriculture, forestry and fishing, 2.6 percent in extracting and 5.9 in processing, 25.5 percent in education, 19.9 percent in wholesale and retail trade, repair of automobiles, home wares and personal things, 10 percent in health and social services, 5.7 percent in transport, 1.8 percent-  communications, 3.9 percent in state government and defense, 1.8 percent in communal, 0.6 percent - in real estate transactions and 0.9 percent - other sectors.

Average unemployment benefit is 141.8 manat.

Distribution of unemployed individual and those who receive unemployment benefit in regions as of Nov. 1, 2010

Individuals with unemployed status

Individuals who receive unemployment benefits




Absheron region




























Нет данных


Source: State Statistics Committee

In January-September 2010, 55,983 new jobs, including 41,032 - permanent, have been opened in Azerbaijan. From Jan. 1, 2009 to Oct. 1, 2010, 129,596 new jobs, with 95,547 permanent, have been created in Azerbaijan. Most of the jobs created (77.1 percent) accounted for the regions.

Pension provision

As of Oct. 1, 1,289,800 pensioners have been registered in Azerbaijan, of whom 65 percent for age, 25 percent - disability and 10 percent - the loss of family head. As of Oct. 1, the number of newly registered pensioners in Azerbaijan was 0.7 percent of their total number.

The level of monthly pension increased by 11.4 percent compared to the same period of last year and reached 111.3 manat, which makes up 35 percent from the level of the average monthly wage in the country.

Social provision

In January-September this year, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Azerbaijan provided targeted social aid to 127,634 families.

On average, each family was paid 108.38 manat per month. The amount of targeted aid for each family member was 23.96 manat.

Of the total number of people receiving the aid, 41.1 percent were families with three or more children.

In September the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on increasing scholarship for doctoral candidates, students and pupils of higher and secondary special schools and special schools of primary vocational education.

In order to raise state care about the doctoral candidates, students and pupils of higher and secondary special schools and special schools of primary vocational education, who study due to the Public budget and to further strengthen their social protection, the size of their scholarships shall be increased as following:

1. Doctoral candidates - 100 manat

2. Higher education institutions:

Students receiving personal scholarship - 100 manat

Master's degree:

students receiving excellent marks - 85 manat
students receiving excellent and good marks - 70 manat
students who receive good and
satisfactory marks - 45 manat


students receiving excellent marks - 80 manat
students receiving excellent and
good marks - 65 manat
students receiving good and satisfactory marks - 40 manat

3. Secondary special schools:

students receiving excellent marks - 40 manat
students receiving excellent and good marks - 35 manat

Students who receive good and satisfactory marks - 30 manat

4. Pupils of special schools of primary vocational education - 30 manat

According to the order, scholarships shall be provided due to funds envisaged by the Public budget for this purpose.

