
Israel reports 499 new COVID-19 cases, 827,698 in total

Israel Materials 22 March 2021 01:02 (UTC +04:00)

Israel's Ministry of Health reported 499 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, raising the tally of confirmed cases in the country to 827,698, Trend reports citing Xinhua.

The death toll from the virus reached 6,087 with five new fatalities, while the number of patients in serious condition decreased from 549 to 548, out of 861 hospitalized patients.

The total recoveries in Israel rose to 805,358 with 3,114 newly recovered cases, while the number of active cases decreased to 16,253.

The number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 in Israel has reached nearly 5.17 million, or 55.6 percent of its total population, since the vaccination campaign began on Dec. 20, 2020.

