Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Feb.21
By Demir Azizov- Trend:
A delegation from the U.S. National Defense University led by retired General Joseph Hoare met with the leaders of Uzbekistan's Foreign Ministry in Tashkent, the republic's Foreign Ministry said.
"During the negotiations, the parties exchanged views and assessments with regard to topical regional and international issues," the ministry said.
The purpose of the U.S. delegation's visit and the program of the visit to Uzbekistan haven't been specified in the ministry's message.
The National Defense University was founded in 1976 in Washington as a result of the merger of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and the National War College for professional military education and training of military and civilian experts for the highest political, command and staff positions.
The National Defense University is the top U.S. military educational institution, where not only soldiers, but also representatives of the State Department, Ministry of Finance, the CIA, the National Security Agency and other ministries and departments, as well as employees of the largest private industrial companies, carrying out orders of the Pentagon, are trained.
Translated by L.Z.
Edited by C.N.