
Azerbaijan's MFA refutes false accusations of French president against country

Politics Materials 14 October 2022 13:36 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijan's MFA refutes false accusations of French president against country

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 14. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan refutes false accusations of President of France Emmanuel Macron against the country, Trend reports citing the ministry's statement.

The French president's biased statements against Azerbaijan, intended for an internal audience and openly favoring Armenia, are unacceptable.

According to the statement, Macron is the leader of a country that has said nothing about the nearly 30-year Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territories, the gross violation of the rights of Azerbaijanis, Armenia's disregard for the fundamental principles of international law, and its failure to comply with UN Security Council resolutions. All this happened despite France's co-chairmanship of the OSCE Minsk Group.

"Unfortunately, President Macron remains silent about Armenia's non-compliance with the trilateral statement, as well as about its life-threatening landmine planting policy in Azerbaijan's liberated lands. Meantime, given the impossibility of the Minsk Group's activity, Azerbaijan didn't reject the French president's initiative to act as a mediator in the normalization of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations. Thus, so far two quadrilateral meetings brokered by Macron were held on February 4 and October 6, 2022. However, the president's statements against Azerbaijan cast serious doubt on the neutrality and impartiality of his mediation efforts.

The one-sided and unfounded accusations of France against the backdrop of Azerbaijan's attempts to ensure regional peace, stability and development, as well as normalize relations based on the principles of international law principles, provide grounds for reviewing this country's mediation efforts," the ministry said.

