"The Ranking Web" or "Webometrics" which is the most prestigious ranking of the world in higher education institutions announced its latest list. According to the list Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) has raised up to 4137 place from 4469 of the position occupied in July of 2015. However, UNEC has maintained its leadership among the universities of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Along with protecting its leadership on Impact criterion in accordance with Webometrics' indicators UNEC has moved more than twice in the field of Openness and moved 51 steps on Excellence criterion of high quality. Based on this progress, UNEC is the 340th among 3117 higher education institutions on Central and Eastern European region, 1244th among 6055 universities of Europe and 2643rd among 14994 universities on Eurasian continent.
UNEC is the only higher education institution among the universities of the Republic of Azerbaijan with these indicators.
Information about the Webometrics ranking system: Webometrics system determines the ranking of universities possessing the webpage in accordance with their database. Beginning from 2004 Webometrics develops the ranking of the universities twice a year in January and July. The data are obtained firs 10 days of both months and the ranking is defined at the end of the month not earlier than 28th. The Webometrics ranking system sharply differs from other rating systems. No information is appealed from any university, there is no application form and even no e-mail address is indicated her. The system provides the ranking of universities purely over the Internet by analyzing the data from the website of the universities.