Azerbaijan, Baku, June 23 / Trend U. Ismayilova /
Cars, to be imported to Azerbaijan, will be checked annually after introducing environmental standards Euro-2 from July 2010, the head of the department of technical regulation and standardization of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patents Sabig Abdullayev said. Payment for this examination in accordance with the law on state tax is 20 manat.
He said the inspection of imported cars will be held in conjunction with the annual mandatory inspection. Moreover, cars imported into the country until July 1, will be examined.
Abdullayev said that environmental standards Euro-2 introduced from July 1, 2010 will be applied to imported cars. These standards will not apply to used cars in the country.
"According to the State Committee, as of January 1, 2010 there are 925,000 cars in Azerbaijan that regularly educe 280 different harmful components, including carbon monoxide and nitric oxide into the air," Abdullayev said.
He said the main purpose of the introduction of national standards Euro-2 on imported cars is the gradual clearing of road transport in Azerbaijan to protect public health.
Abdullayev said that new standards include two directions. The first one includes new cars imported into Azerbaijan. If the model of car is brought into the country for the first time, it is necessary to determine the type of procedure to meet the emission standards. When vehicles of the same brand are imported again, check will not be required.
The second trend is the study of exploited vehicles for their compliance with emissions standards Euro-2.
Cars produced after 1996 (when the standard Euro-2 is used), imported into Azerbaijan by legal and physical entities will be checked for compliance specified in the data sheet data on emissions.
When importing previously unexploited cars (new models), they will be checked once, after which the data will be entered in a special database. After that, all cars of this model not used previously, will be brought in the country without being checked for compliance with Euro-2.
The import of cars produced before 1996 is possible after the implementation of technical work in the engine, Abdullayev said.
These conditions do not apply to vintage cars.