
Second International Exhibition of Arms opens in Astana

Business Materials 3 May 2012 22:55 (UTC +04:00)

Kazakhstan, Astana, May 3 / Trend D. Mukhtarov /

The second Kazakh international exhibition of arms and military-technical property KADEX-2012 opened in Astana on Thursday, the press service of the Kazakh Defence Ministry told Trend.

The opening ceremony was attended by supreme commander of the armed forces of the country - President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The event started with a demonstration of military equipment of the Kazakh Army. The spectators watched T-72 and T-72B tanks, infantry fighting vehicles BMP-2, military wheeled vehicle "Cobra", "Tiger", "Hammer", the cars of various modifications of "KamAZ". Planned tactical incident took place on a specially equipped test site for the exhibition, where machinery overcame the obstacles, thus demonstrating its military and technical capabilities. All machines on the move fired on targets designated by blank ammunition.

Special proud of the representatives of Kazakhstan's military-industrial complex is that these helicopters are a product of domestic engineering. They are collected on the basis of the joint venture "Eurocopter Kazakhstan", set up by Kazakhstan with a Franco-German concern, and a member of the National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering".

In the future, "Eurocopter Kazakhstan" will be the only company in the CIS, not only for assembly and maintenance of the EU-145, but also for the production of individual components of helicopter. |Technology transfer is also provided. The planned capacity of the plant is 8-10 helicopters a year.

Exhibition Programme, organized by the Land Forces of Kazakhstan, ended with demonstrations of military Airmobile troops.

Combined military orchestra of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, orchestras in Germany, Poland, Tajikistan, India and the United States organized a solemn parade.

The air show programme included demonstration flight teams of combat aircraft of the Air Forces of Kazakhstan.

After end of the demonstration of modern weapons and military equipment and arms standing of the Land Troops and Air Force of the Kazakh Army, Nursultan Nazarbayev, accompanied by Minister of Defence of Kazakhstan and representatives of the Kazakh army generals inspected exhibits and halls of the exhibition.

One of the first places where the president stopped, became a stand of military transport aircraft Airbus C-295. Recently, Republican state enterprise "Kazspetsexport" which is the competent body of the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan for export and import of arms and military equipment, signed a contract for the delivery of the first two C-295 aircraft. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed for further delivery of six more C-295aircraft.

After inspecting the airplane manufactured by Airbus Military, Head of State inspected the Russian SuperJet plane, which was created by Sukhoi manufacturer.

Each of the eight exhibition halls waited for the President's visit to the stands - for representatives of companies around the world the attention of the President of Kazakhstan is an important and significant. Nursultan Nazarbayev tried whenever possible to visit many stands.

Paying attention to the Kazakh defence industry enterprises, the president stopped at the pavilion of the National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering", which is a holding structure, uniting defence industry enterprises with state ownership.

National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering" showcased a significant number of stands. Joint-stock companies that are part of the company, "Petropavlovsk Plant of Heavy Machinery," "KAMAZ-Engineering", "Ural Plant of "Zenith", "Instrument-making Plant "Omega", "Semipalatinsk Machine-Building Plant" and others demonstrate their products.

This year, more than 250 companies from over 20 countries worldwide applied for participation. A wide variety of products is presented at the exhibition by domestic companies, which have successfully proven themselves not only on the Kazakh market, but also abroad. Among countries, whose companies participate in the exhibition, are such states as Germany, Russia, Canada, Poland, USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Spain, France, Slovak Republic, Turkey and many others.

Compared with the first Kazakh exhibition of arms held in Astana in 2010, this year the number of participants has increased by more than 30 percent.

Co-organizers of the exhibition are the Republican State Enterprise "Kazspetsexport", JSC National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering", JSC "Kazakhvzryvprom" and JSC "Kazakhstan GIS Center". Organizer of the exhibition is an Astana-Expo KS exhibition company.

In the first two days of the exhibition, participants will hold business meetings, negotiations, discussions. In the next two days the exhibition will be opened for all visitors. Residents and guest of Astana will be able to inspect military equipment and weapons.

Official closing of the exhibition will be held on May 6 in the afternoon. This day the first results on the basis of the exhibition will be announced. Presentation with diplomas, memorial signs, exchange of gifts and awards will be also held.

