Azerbaijan, Baku, May 1 / Trend A. Huseynbala /
Azerbaijani opposition parties are represented in a union and a movement. The union and movement accuse each other as they fail to reach agreement concerning Karabakh forum.
"Encouraging agreements were achieved regarding participation in the forum at the meetings with chairmen of other parties represented in the union, Musavat party chairman Isa Gambar being founder of movement and Umid party chairman Iqbal Agazadeh. Continuation of our meetings was also coordinated. But movement with word Karabakh made other decision," classic people's front chairman Mirmahmud Miraliogli told trend News on May 1. This party is represented in the union for the sake of democracy.
The union for the sake of democracy suggested holding Karabakh forum last month. Consensus on participation in the forum was not reached during the meeting Movement for the sake of Karabakh and Republic early this week. Several Azerbaijani opposition parties were charged not to form united position on Nagorno Karabakh, Azadliq party chairman Ahmed Oruj said. This party is also represented in the union.
It is a pity that Movement for the sake of Karabakh and Republic failed to reach agreement on Karabakh forum, Miraliogli said.
A man is obliged to think about unwillingness of movement for the sake of Karabakh to participate in Karabakh forum. Some questions occurred. Parties represented in the movement can answer these questions.
I can tell that it is impossible to imagine how the movement not participating in Karabakh forum can fight for Karabakh," classic people's front chairman said.
"We did not make any decision on non participation in Karabakh forum," Citizens and Development Party chairman Ali Aliyev told Trend on May 1. This party is represented in Movement for the sake of Karabakh and Republic.
Heads of several parties represented in the union suggested participating in organization of the forum at the meetings with chairmen of Musavat and Umid parties, he said. "We failed to reach consensus on organization. No proposal was taken absolutely. Earlier we said that any side can be organizer of the forum.
Parties have right for making decision. We have not made a decision on refusal from this meeting. We did not get proposals about participation in the forum," Citizens and Development Party chairman said.
Azadliq party chairman Orujev voiced accusations towards the movement. Azadliq party is represented in the union. It is an attempt to create vision of fight within opposition, Aliyev said.
"Parties, entering our movement, have no rivals in opposition. If anyone is willing to create image of opposition by attacking us, it is not our problem," the movement chairman said.
Serious danger connected with Karabakh occurred on the threshold of referendum, Aliyev said.
"So, word Karabakh is mentioned in the name of movement. Parties did not join this movement despite our insistent proposals submitted in the union. It would be more reasonable for movement to participate in this period. So, there is no any necessity in show," Citizens and Development Party chairman said.
Union for the sake of democracy was established by opposition parties of classic People's front, Azadliq and National democracy after parliamentary elections of 2005. Great Azerbaijan party entered the union in early September of 2008 but people's party in November. The union was agency of cooperation and meeting of these parties.
"Movement for Karabakh and Republic" was established by People's front, Citizens and Development Party, Liberal party, Democratic party, Musavat and Umid parties, as well as several public organizations.
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