As a result of the first meeting of Azerbaijani-Tatar interstate commission for trade-economical, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation, it was held the signing ceremony of protocol. The protocol was signed by the prime-ministers of Azerbaijan and Tatarstan Artur Rasizade and Rustam Minnikhanov.
Within the commission, the sides reached an agreement to make contribution to the development of direct relations between the economical subjects, opening of joint ventures, representations and branches, periodically exchange information about investment projects, proposals regarding expansion of nomenclature of mutual products, as well as assist in development and activity of machine-building enterprises of Tatarstan in the territory of Azerbaijan.
SOCAR and Zelenodolski factory named after A.M.Gorki consider the opportunities of acquiring speed passenger vessels. Within the commission, it was agreed to exchange concrete proposals regarding establishment of cooperative relations between industrial enterprises and creation of joint ventures. Besides, it was proposed to discuss the issue of mutual delivery of oil-field equipments and spare parts manufactured in the territories of Azerbaijan and Tatarstan.
Besides, there will be considered the issues of realizing joint projects in the IT sphere, studied the experience in IT sector, and conducted joint seminars, conferences, forums and exhibitions in the sphere of application of electronic government. Furthermore, the commission decided to develop the cooperation in the sphere of scientific-technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres.
During the meeting, the Clause on interstate commission was confirmed.
The next meeting was decided to be held in Kazan in 2007.