Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Feb. 20
By Huseyn Hasanov - Trend:
Turkmen Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources urged the country's consumers to use gas more economically, according to a message from the ministry.
"Saving natural gas means lowering costs of production, processing and transportation to our apartments and these are huge amounts of money that could be diverted to other industries which would increase social spending and the population's welfare," the ministry said.
Aside from that, gas consumption will become widespread in the modern petrochemical industry which used hydrocarbon gas as an ingredient for ammonia, nitrogen fertilizers and other products.
The message also shows the words of gas supply, accounting and marketing department of the Turkmengazosnabzhenie gas association, Maral Taganova.
"People are used to the fact that natural gas is supplied to homes and without interruption and no one remembers the existence of free gas consumption norms per person which were set more than 20 years ago at 600 cubic meters per person per year. Moreover, all these years the price of excessive 1000 cubic meters was only two manats," the expert said.
Statistics show that gas exceeds the excess limit and 50 per cent more was spent.
The Turkmengaz state concern purchased over 124,000 gas meters, more than 61,000 of which has already been installed.
The ministry reminded consmers that free supply of gas does not apply to heating of greenhouses, a cottage, garden plots, individual garages and workshop equipment used in individual and cooperative production ownership.
'There is significant gas usage in this consumption sector', according to the message.
Translated by E.A.
Edited by S.M.