The statement made by the former officer of the Central Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic Haji Mammadaov on the Former Economic Development Minister Farkhad Aliyev`s involving in Elmar Mammadov`s murdering will be considered in his criminal case on investigation of the crime, Zakir Garalov, the General Prosecutor of Azerbaijan Republic told journalists on August 8, Trend reports.
According to him, during the search conducted by the investigating bodies in ex-Chief of the Ministry of Development of Azerbaijan Farkhad Aliyev`s study, Haji Mmmadov`s telephone number was found in his note-book. Moreover, the investigation found that in September 2003 Farkhad Aliyev`s brother the Head of the Azpetrol Group of Companies Rafig Aliyev had invited journalist Elmar Husseynov who later was killed to the administrative office of Azpetrol without any concrete go-betwenners.
The investigation unveiled attempts to bribe E. Husseynov in the connection with his revelatory articles. At the same time Farkhad Aliyev was in long-term, close relations with a Haji Mamadov`s close relative, told the General Prosecutor.
Furthermore, Z. Garalov pointed out that it was established that Haji Mammadov` band`s members had followed Elmar Husseynov for three days.