
Azerbaijan сalculates neutralized mines in liberated territories in June

Society Materials 1 July 2024 17:40 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijan сalculates neutralized mines in liberated territories in June
Gulnara Karimova
Gulnara Karimova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 1. A total of 271 anti-tank, 278 anti-personnel mines, and 1,695 unexploded rounds of ammunition were found and neutralized in Azerbaijan's liberated territories in June 2024, Trend reports via the humanitarian demining report of the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA).

According to the report, 5,675 hectares of land were cleared of mines last month.

To note, the demining operations were carried out by ANAMA, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the State Border Service of Azerbaijan.

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